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R-Drive Image is unique and powerful drive image software. It creates disk images : files that contain exact, byte-by-byte, copies of hard drives, partitions, or logical disks. Such images may be stored in any location: other hard disks or various removable media, such as CD-R(W) and DVD discs, USB external disks, and network drives. At any time, data from such images may be restored on their original disks or on any other partitions or even on drive's free space . Images may contain data from the partitions, logical disks, and entire hard drives, or only individual files.
Note: The current version has a limited support for dynamic disks or other non-MBR/GPT partitioning schemes. See Support for Various Disk Partition Schemes and File Systems for details.
Using R-Drive Image , you can completely restore your system immediately after heavy data loss caused by an operating system crash, virus attack, or hardware failure. You can also use R-Drive Image for mass system deployment: if you need to setup many identical computers, you can setup manually only one system, than, using R-Drive Image , you can make an image of the system, and deploy it on all other computers, saving your time and cost.
You can copy a hard drive, partition, or logical disk directly to another one. Such copying is much faster than traditional file by file copying, as no time spent for file structure scanning.
If you need to restore only certain files from an image, you can mount that image as a read-only virtual disk and copy those files directly from the image using Windows Explorer or any other file utility.
R-Drive Image includes a partition manager that can delete, wipe , create, and re-sized partitions and logical disks.
If you are a system integrator, consultant, or computer assembler, you can use R-Drive Image OEM kit to create system recovery disks to include them with your fully assembled computer systems.
R-Drive Image features :
• A simple wizard interface – no in-depth computer management skills are required.
• Commands in the shortcut menu to perform some disk actions, like restoring data from an image file and mounting an image as a virtual disk directly from Windows explorer.
• Image files are created on-the-fly, no need to stop and restart Windows. All other disk writes are stored in a cache until the image is created.
• Images can be created for storage devices with removable media.
• Images can contain data from the entire disk or useful information only, that is, only those disk parts that contain data from existing files.
• Images can be created from individual files , not only partitions and logical disks. Individual files may be copied to a certain folder .
• Individual files can be copied to a specified folder .
• Images can be burned on CD/DVD recorders directly from the program
• Image data can be compressed to save free space.
• Image files can be stored on removable media. Support for USB 2.0 and 3.0 devices in the startup mode.
• Images can be stored on various cloud services and download from them to restore data on the disks.
• Images can be split into several files to fit the type of the storage medium.
• Image can be created incrementally and differentially .
• Image files can be password-protected and contain comments. Images of the rdi type may also be encrypted using the AES-XTS algorithm.
• Images can be replicated , that is, their copies can be saved in one or several different places.
• Partition manager that allows you to delete, wipe, create, and resize partitions and logical disks. It can be used to clean entire hard drives before disposal.
• Support for several image format types: .rdr ( R-Drive Image 's proprietary internal format), and virtual machine formats: VHD/VHDX , VDI , and VMDK (last two only in Corporate , Technician , Commercial , OEM System Recovery Media versions ). In addition, you may open several additional formats: .dmg ( Apple Disk Image ), e01(ewf) , and aff (advanced forensic format) , the latest two for the Commercial and OEM System Recovery Media versions.
• Support for various non-MBR/GPT partitioning schemes and file systems. See Support for Various Disk Partition Schemes and File Systems for details.
• Support for RAIDs, and various disk and volume managers , such as Windows Storage Spaces , Apple RAIDs , Apple CoreStorage/File Vault/Fusion Drives , and Linux LVM .
• Data from an image are restored on-the-fly, except on a system partition. Data to the system partition can be restored either by restarting R-Drive Image in its startup mode directly from Windows, or by using specially created startup disks .
• Special startup disks (a startup CD/DVD disc or USB removable storage device) can be created to restore data to a system partition. Such disks can be used to perform basic disk imaging operations on Mac computers with some restrictions .
• Data from an image can be restored on a free (unpartitioned) space on any place on a hard drive. The size of the restored partition can be changed
• Data from an image can be restored on other existing partitions. R-Drive Image deletes such partitions and restores data on that free space.
• An entire disk can be directly copied to another one.
• An image can be mounted as a read-only virtual drive and its content can be viewed and copied.
• An image can be checked for its integrity.
• Support for S.M.A.R.T. warnings.
• A built-in scheduler automatically starts disk actions at scheduled times/events.
• Scripts can be created for frequent or unattended actions. Scripts are executed from a command line and can be included in any command file.
• Advanced and versatile logs accessible directly from the user interface.
• Support for rotation schemes (backup sets). A rotation scheme is a set of files (usually a file for a full image of an object and a number of its incremental/differential backups) which R-Drive Image treats as one unit. Rotation schemes (backup sets) are used to flexibly control the parameters of complex backup tasks such as a total size allocated for the image files, number of image files to keep, and time for which the data will be kept. Available are simple and custom rotation schemes. Custom rotation schemes are available in the Corporate , Technician , Commercial , and OEM System Recovery Media versions.
• R-Drive Image OEM System Recovery Media creation: special startup disk that may be used to restore a computer system after a complete failure when it requires a complete fresh setup (system recovery disks).
Note: You need to purchase an OEM registration key to activate this feature.
The Disk Actions chapter explains basic disk actions.
The Startup Version chapter explains how to perform disk actions using the R-Drive Image Startup Version .
The Technical Information chapter gives technical information on Supported CD and DVD Recorders and List of Hardware Devices Supported in the Startup Mode and another useful technical information.
Follow this link to obtain R-Drive Image Contact Information and Technical Support