© 2024 R-Tools Technology Inc.
All rights reserved.
Note: You can mount images only as read-only disks. See Support for Various Disk Partition Schemes and File Systems for the list of supported file systems.
To mount an image as a Virtual Logical Disk:
1 | Click Mount an Image as a Virtual Logical Disk on the Action Selection panel. |
R-Drive Image will show you the Choose image to mount drive(s) from panel with the disks/folders structure.
2 | Select the file with the image on the Choose image to mount drive(s) from panel and click the Next button |
When you click the file, you may view its content on the right pane.
You may select all objects on a hard drive by clicking the hard drive icon .. It will show the marked hard drive .
You may also mount the disk from Windows explorer by right-clicking the required image file with the .rdr extension and selecting Mount as Virtual Disk from the shortcut menu.
If you select an image with incremental or differential data backup, select the date and time of image creation and click the Next button.
If the image file is password-protected, the Password prompt... message will appear. Enter the password and click the OK button.
3 | Select the object in the image file on the Choose image to mount panel, select a drive letter, and click the Next button |
Click the controls to learn their functions or go to the respective help pages
You may select only one object at a time, and you need to specify its drive letter to proceed further.
Selected Object
4 | Verify that the information on the Processing panel is correct and click the Start button |
You may also create a script for this action. Click the Script to Clipboard button and paste the script to any text-processing utility
> | R -Drive Image will start mounting the selected object as a virtual logical disk. |
When the disk is mounted, the Virtual disk(s) mounted successfully message will appear.
You cannot mount a split image if its files are stored on separate removable disks. However you can mount such image if you copy all the files into one folder on a hard disk. |
Note: While R-Drive Image is mounting an image, Windows itself may install additional software required to run the virtual logical disks correctly. In this case follow Windows on-screen instructions.
The Disk Actions chapter explains basic disk actions.
The Startup Version chapter explains how to perform disk actions using the R-Drive Image Startup Version .
The Technical Information chapter gives technical information on Supported CD and DVD Recorders and List of Hardware Devices Supported in the Startup Mode and another useful technical information.
Follow this link to obtain R-Drive Image Contact Information and Technical Support